Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day four: Ninjago, pictures, and water slides

Mystery solved: I found out that yesterday while I was at school, the landlord lady went into my apartment to fix my washer. When she left, she locked both locks, which explains why I was locked out and why she went immediately to my washer. It's the little victories...

Today at school, I started planning for my kindergarten classes that start Monday. Apparently, the teachers who were here before me were not the most effective nor motivated. As a result, the kids are behind in the books and lack discipline. Honestly, I just can't wait to get in a kindergarten classroom.

I met one of the kindergartners today in a one-on-one session, and at first he refused to even look at me. After we established that I know about Ninjago, it was game over on the shy act. He was really smart, but is afraid of English teachers, according to another teacher who speaks Korean.

In the afternoon, I was back with my first graders -- who called me "Lollipop Teacher" and "Chicken Teacher" for some reason today. Here's a picture of one of my classes; it only has five students (one's absent) because they're the lower level and because only kids who go to kindergarten at Jayon are allowed to come for first grade, so the classes only lose students and never gain any new. It makes getting one-on-one time much easier, that's for sure.

Eating snack before class

My favorite kid so far is the one in the bright green shirt. He's pretty aggressive (thanks, Tae Kwon Do), but has the best smile and loves to participate. As you might notice in these pictures, he gets around the classroom; I took one right after the other and he managed to get on the other side of the room in time to be in both shots.

On the other side of the glass wall, the writing teacher is with the other first grade class. Halfway through the two-hour period, we switch rooms.

Finally, here's a picture of my school from the road! "자 연 " is the name of the school and I assume the rest is "kindergarten." I don't know about you, but my first question was regarding the functionality of the slide. Unfortunately, they only use it as a sort of emergency exit. If they had a suggestion box, my first proposition would definitely involve the slide and the pool at its end.

"Jayon Language School/Water Park"

I met a few more foreigners today and have now been told half a dozen times to go to Fong's -- a bar right down the street where all the foreigners go. This Saturday, I'm supposed to meet up in Seoul with some Korean and American friends from when I was quarantined for Swine Flu back in 2009, but maybe I'll have to check out Fong's tomorrow. Cheap beer within a two-minute walk? See you there, Fong.


  1. Looks very colorful, Lolli!!! Have fun---"ehhh--Fong who???" Slide looks like fun, too!!! Be careful this weekend in Seoul!!!

  2. My soon to be Kindergardener is so jealous of the slide and now wants go to school there.

    1. Haha I'm sure Amelia and Sabrina would love the slide, but probably not the teachers teaching in Korean! That might outweigh the playground appeal... :)

  3. So, I took the plunge and signed up to have a limited blogger profile. If that isn't best friend material then I don't know what is

    1. Thank you. I really appreciate your dedication. As a thank you, I'm going to ignore your chat and miss our Skype dates. Sorry!

      You should start blogging just so I can read all about your daily life. (And to make Bryce happy.)
